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Can You Appeal a Planning Decision? Here's What You Need to Know

Has your local council turned down your planning application? Don’t worry—there’s still hope. A planning appeal could overturn the decision. Here’s a quick guide to help you decide whether appealing is the right move.


When can you appeal?

You have the right to appeal if:

  • Your application was refused outright.

  • The council imposed unwanted conditions.

  • The council failed to make a decision in time—typically eight weeks for smaller projects and 13 for larger ones.

However, you need to act quickly—appeals must be lodged within certain timescales. The exact timescale depends on the type of application, so head over to our Appeals page for further information.


Why should you appeal?

Appeals often succeed when councils get things wrong or the issues in dispute are subjective. Common reasons include:

  • Mistakes in the officer’s assessment—maybe they didn’t consider all the facts or misinterpreted something.

  • Unfair interpretation of planning policy—your case might actually comply with the rules, even if the council says otherwise.


How does the appeal process work?

Appeals are handled by the Planning Inspectorate, an independent government agency that reviews the case with fresh eyes. For most appeals, the process usually involves the submission of written arguments, a site visit by an independent inspector, and then a decision. This is known as the ‘Written Representations’ procedure.


How likely are you to succeed?

The success rate for planning appeals is around one in three, but many are poorly crafted and not backed up by proper evidence. As appeal specialists, our success rate is substantially higher, so you might consider using our Free Consultation service if you want to maximise your chances.


Do you need help?

While it’s possible to appeal on your own, you only have one chance to challenge the decision. A planning consultant can help you build a strong case and increase your chances of success.


Final thoughts

In many circumstances, an appeal could be your best way forward. If you're unsure, take advantage of our Free Consultation service for expert advice with zero commitment.

The information contained in this article may have become out of date since it was written. Under no circumstances shall the information contained in this article be taken as professional advice.

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